Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Methods to Assist You - Prevent Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer

Are you aware of steps you can take to help prevent breast cancer? Breast cancer is the second most common type of cancer in women around the world and the leading cause of cancer death. Breast cancer is the most common among white women, although women of all races and even men are diagnosed with the disease around the world. While this disease is very prevalent amongst women, with early detection, women can have a an increased survival rate. The best treatment for breast cancer is to prevent its development.

One of the most crucial steps that you can take to prevent breast cancer is to maintain a healthy weight through proper nutrition. It is recommended for women to maintain a healthy weight. Women should strive for a BMI index under 25. Women who are substantially overweight have an increased incidence of breast cancer development. To help prevent breast cancer, maintain an better than average body mass index and consistently. Another crucial action to assist women prevent breast cancer is a diet that is full of in valuable nutrients.

One of the most promising vitamins promoting healthy breast tissue and aiding women to prevent breast cancer when added into the daily diet is Vitamin A. This vitamin has shown the ability to prevent breast cancer cell advancement when ingested in both natural and synthetic forms. Foods that are rich in Vitamin A include . Red Clover is thought to be a great breast cancer prevention vitamin. Red Clover is a common plant with leafy stems that grows up to 16 inches tall and is a member of the pea phyllum. Isoflavins are the valuable that cause the red clover herbs a powerful breast cancer prevention aid. Turmeric has also demonstrated to have breast cancer prevention signs. Many of the most preventative foods are full of in antioxidants which assist cells to attack free radical damage. Many fruits and vegetables that are rich in antioxidants which can easily be added to the daily diet.

Women should also eat a diet that is full of in the better kinds of fats like Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids. Also, it is recommended to limit the intake of simple carbohydrates and to include a multivitamin daily.

One of the most crucial actions that women can take to assist you prevent breast cancer is to reduce and stop. Smoking is one of the biggest risk factors in the development of breast cancer around the world. The moderation of alcohol is also an important step to assist women reduce the development of breast cancer.

In addition to a lifestyle and a healthy weight, women should to perform monthly breast self exams to find a breast lump early. The early detection of a cancerous breast lump can assist in an early diagnosis and an optimistic treatment plan. Women over the age of 40 need to receive scheduled, performed by their doctors. Mammograms use digital imaging to detect abnormalities in your.

Some breast cancer causes that still remain under discussion are hormone therapy treatments and the prolonged use of birth control pills. Extended exposure to pharmacologic estrogens is not recommended unless suggested from your health care professional. Check with your health care professional if you have been concerned about the mentioned potential risks and the development of breast cancer.

Breast cancer is a common disease throughout the world and affects as many as 1 in 10 women from around the world and the prevalence of diagnosis is on the rise. While there are options available, it is suggested to engage in advantageous to prevent the progression or development of the disease within the body. Through recommended lifestyle management and the addition of valuable nutritional supplements, you can help your body to prevent the development of breast cancer.

By: Alma Peterson

Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer in Women - Know the Facts

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer should be a major concern for all women today since it is the single most common type of cancer in women. There is about a 15% chance of developing breast cancer by the age of 90 if you are a woman and have a full, healthy lifestyle. This percentage may not sound like a lot, but it is one of the highest as far as cancer risks go. You can lower this risk by having a breast cancer test frequently.

Have a Basic Mammogram Regularly

The basic mammogram is the most effective test available even though it can be very uncomfortable for some women. During the time of your test, keep thinking, “This may save my life.” It will help you get through it.

You do not want to wait for symptoms to develop before getting your mammogram, as symptoms don’t usually become clear until the cancer is already in its later stages of growth.

Usually, if the cancer has hit the later stages it is more difficult to treat and more likely has spread to other parts of the body. You may feel like a mammogram is too unpleasant, but terminal cancer is without a doubt worse than the test. Please make the breast cancer test part of your annual check-up.

Self-Examination for Breast Cancer

Also, as soon as you reach the puberty age, it is a good idea to carry out your own breast cancer test, which you can do on a regular basis in the privacy of your own home. A pamphlet describing how this should be done can be picked up at your local doctor’s office or health department. Most breast cancer occurs in women over 40, but there are several cases found in young teen girls each year.

Cancer does not have a certain age or time when it occurs. You just need to check yourself regularly for any lumps or other unusual occurrences. If any are found, go to your doctor immediately.

Breast Cancer Risks

Your chances of developing breast cancer are slightly higher if there is a history of such cancer in your family. So, if you don’t have anyone in your immediate family that has had breast cancer, this is very good news. But unfortunately, many families do have a history. With or without a family history, you still should have regular checkups.

Most people do not realize that there is a 1% occurrence of breast cancer in men. But there are still many more men that are never diagnosed with breast cancer, but they do have it.

Keep up with your self-examination and your regular mammogram since your chances of survival are much greater if the cancer is found early.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM)

Also, remember that October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM) and is observed all over the world thanks to National Breast Cancer Foundation. Breast cancer month has been extremely successful in making more women aware of the signs of breast cancer. More women than ever are now getting their annual mammogram, and this has contributed to a greater survival rate for cancer patients.

Many women have lost their lives to this devastating disease, and this is the main reason why efforts must be continued to teach all women young and old about breast cancer and the risk factors.

Be a true friend or family member and help educate your loved ones about breast cancer and early detection. You may save their lives.

By: Jean Pardue

Breast Cancer